Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Brown spooked by curse of Clough

Nine times out of ten whenever a Prime Minister pays a flying visit to a provincial city to talk about safeguarding thousands of jobs he would expect to make the front page of its local evening newspaper. Unfortunately for Gordon Brown, his arrival in Derby today coincided with the news that Nigel Clough is to follow in Old Big 'Ead's illustrious footsteps as boss of the Rams. No real contest for the Derby Evening Telegraph's splash in this footie-mad city.

It would never have happened back in the days of Alastair Campbell's famous "Grid" of course. He'd doubtless have been on the phone to the club telling them to delay their announcement of a new manager for 24 hours.

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James Higham said...

Can't even get the propaganda right now.

Ted Foan said...

I presume he managed at least to make some reference to Clough's elevation while telling us he was going to create 100,000 apprenticeships?

Fantastic that Tony McNulty was not able to tell Paxo on Newsnight whether or not this was a re-announcement of a "pledge" made last year.

You can fool some of the people for some of the time.....!

David Gladwin said...

Brown might live to be grateful to Nigel for depriving him of the front page, depending on what the "downturn" (as they're calling it) has in store for Derby.

It only takes a second to score an own goal.

MorrisOx said...

Now here's an interesting challenge. Which football manager does Gordon Brown most resemble?

We're on the way with Allie's Army..

MorrisOx said...

Paul, in all seriousness, I suspect local hacks are feeling just as jaded as their national counterparts at the 'stunt economics' currently being trotted out in Downing Street's name, with ministers all the way from 'Lord' Mandelson to the Dear Leader himself wandering around the country, popping up on TV screens make all sorts of grand claims which turnout, on closer inspection, to be nothing of the sort.

Why would any hack want an interview with ministers who routinely never answer questions? Total waste of time, and smething most readers regard as risible.