The biggest change is the subdivision of the "Best of the Blogosphere" category, which was becoming rather long, back into six broad political categories: Non-aligned, Conservative, Labour, Lib Dem, Anti-Blair and Anglosphere. If anyone thinks I've miscategorised them, please email me and I'll change it.
Anyway this gives me the opportunity to introduce a few more links to sites that I rate including:
* Tory Radio, Jonathan Shepherd's increasingly influential podcasting site;
* The Nether World, David Simonetti's latest solo offering;
* Mike Ion, one of the more sensible voices in the Labour blogosphere;
* Craig Murray, who has something to say even if you don't agree with it;
* And finally, the hilarious Hitler Cats which needs no further introduction.
I've also put in a permanent link to the 7/7 Bombings Inquiry Petition, in the hope of encouraging more visitors to sign it.
Some fellow bloggers have suggested I dispense with Blogger and purchase myself a spanking new bespoke website as Iain Dale did earlier this year, but I must say I'm in two minds.
I really like the simplicity and "cleanness" of the Blogger template, and it also seems to load on the page a damned site more quickly than some other blogs I could mention. I would welcome views on this however.
Finally, thanks to everyone who continues to visit the blog and to make it worth my while.
Visitor numbers aren't yet in the Guido/Iain Dale league, well not by a long chalk, but I am pleased to say that they have very nearly doubled over the past month and at the current rate of progress I should be challenging Guido by about September 2013! Not that it's a competition of course.....