First conscious memory of a news event
The Aberfan disaster, 1966.
First school
Elmgrove Infants, in Harrow.
First part in a school play
As "Wiz the Wizard" in the Elmgrove panto in 1968 or 69.
First time in hospital
December 1970, to have my tonsils out. It was at Charing Cross hospital - the old one that was right in the middle of Central London.
First pet
A goldfish called Highfield that was duly eaten by the cat.
First footballing hero
Peter Lorimer
First love
Her name also began with a J, but it wasn't the same one.
First drink in a pub
The Market Tavern, Hitchin, on Friday night after choir practice, sometime in 1977.
First time refused service in a pub
New Year's Eve 1983. I was well over-age by then, but two of the people I was with looked younger.
First run-in with the law
Sometime in the early 80s, for relieving myself outside St Mary's in the early hours of Christmas Day after attending Midnight Mass. I won't name the former Hitchin Boys' School head boy who was with me.
This would win a gold medal for tedium, if anyone could be bothered to read it.
How do you know that, Mr Levelrater, unless you made it to the end yourself?
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