Thursday, October 05, 2006

Spring conference decision gives Blair more legroom

What are we to make of the Labour Party's decision to abandon its Spring Conference, slipped out Jo Moore-style under the cover of David Cameron's speech yesterday evening? One thing's for sure, the official explanation that it's about getting out and involving more ordinary voters in the party's policy-making process is bound to be a banquet of bollocks.

No, my strong suspicion is that this is all about Mr Tony and the precise timing of the announcement of his wretched retirement date.

Had the Glasgow gathering taken place as planned, the Prime Minister would have been under enormous pressure to use it to name the precise date on which he plans to leave office.

Furthermore, he would have had to make yet another farewell speech to the party faithful, which would inevitably have been something of an anti-climax on top of last week's tour-de-force in Manchester at which he bade Labour what sounded like his last goodbye.

The general consensus after Manchester was that Mr Blair's speech had earned him the right to depart slightly later than originally expected - say the end of July as opposed to the May 31 date that was made up by leaked to the Sun.

Postponing the Spring conference may give the Prime Minister just that a little bit more legroom to enable him to hang on till the beginning of the summer recess.

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Anonymous said...

you're probably right...even though I suppose the results of the locals/Welsh and Scottish elections can decide if TB can go on until the end of the summer or not

Anonymous said...

Nothing to do with the Labour Party being brassic, Paul?

Rigger Mortice said...

i think they've got no cash

Manchester University Labour Club said...

When we are laying off staff we cannot afford spring conference. Simple as

Anonymous said...

I reckon they could pay for most of it out of the tax bill they just sent me. Wankers.

Gracchi said...

Very astute piece of analysis Paul I'm sure that this is the reason.

Anonymous said...

More on this story here...