They've abolished tuition fees, introduced free eye care and dental check ups, dualled "their" bit of the A1 between Newcastle and Edinburgh, handed out extra central heating grants, brought in free personal care for the elderly....and now the Scots are getting rid of prescription charges as well.

Such simplicity has a good impact.
What would give it even more impact would be a similar chart along side this one showing on a country by country basis where the 'public' money is raised from.
where are all the Yes Campaigners for a NE regional assembly now, under a rock? If you remember New Labour sanctioned a viscious anti southern English rhetoric by the Yes campaign,just as they sanctioned anti Englishnes in Scotland to drive the tories out. We pointed out at the time that it was Scotland and not the South of England that was the problem.
This government is still pressing ahead with the european regionalization of England in the full knowledge that the uk is breaking up.
Oh, I don't know, Paul. Let the poor sods have a few quid. I think they've earned.
Scotland's been the test laboratory for all kinds of pernicious laws and policies over the years. I don't remember the English parliament crowd yelping too loudly about the unfairness of it all back then.
Scotland's been the test laboratory for all kinds of pernicious laws and policies over the years.
That's no excuse to keep sending their monstrosities over here. Put them in the autoclave when you've finished with them.
Brown should burn well-self basting
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