- Andrew Rawnsley, in The Observer, Sunday 14 October.
"His conference speech in Brighton was easily the best of the season, and even contained the best joke - the line about Dave wanting to be Tony but not Maggie, and Gordon wanting to be Maggie but not Tony, and Ming not wanting to be any of them."
- Yours truly, on This Blog, Tuesday 9 October.
Pleased to be of service, Andrew - as ever.
A pity that both of you were wrong. Campbell's speech was a disaster, his jokes were either obvious or ancient or both, and he will be gone within months.
I agree with David. Ming's speech was dry and lacked passion and energy. He just cannot cut it in the modern political arena.
Scrawny Rawnsley is cruising for a bruising. Pinko Finko would never copy someone else's work. So why does Scrawny do it? As for Ming's speech, the other two are right - it was wooden.
I'd sue the lantern-jawed opinionater if I were you.
Obviously when I wrote 'months' I meant 'hours'. These Liberals are brutal!
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