Meanwhile, readers of this blog have been making clear their own view that they would have appreciated a wider choice in this leadership election, as indeed I would. My two polls show Huhne narrowly ahead of Clegg in a head-to-head contest, but well behind Charles Kennedy and Julia Goldsworthy in a notional poll involving all the candidates who previously ruled themselves out.
To say how you would cast your vote between Clegg and Huhne, click HERE. To choose between Vincent Cable, Clegg, Ed Davey, Goldsworthy, Simon Hughes, Huhne, Kennedy, Susan Kramer, David Laws and Steve Webb, click HERE. And if you think I'm paying far too much attention to the Lib Dem contest, please say so in the comments!
what do you care,isn't it pretty irrelevant without PR.
seems they've been trying to find differences to makie it a contest worth having.
Hopefully a distinctive political programme can be developed by the Lib Dems to distinguish them from the "tweedledee tweedledum" policies of Labour and Conservative.
It seems could come down to 'I'm very English, vote Conservative' and I'm Scottish, but ever to English friendly, vote Labour'
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