It's not looking good for those 44 MPs' signatures, is it, Alan?
All the speculation of course is that this is just an attempt to flush out a Cabinet-level challenger, although the Guardian's talk this morning of "10 Cabinet ministers" being prepared to back David Miliband is surely just wishful thinking on their part.
Personally, I think it would be much more entertaining, as well as more honest, if Milburn just came clean and admitted he wants to stand himself. What tales might emerge.
If he wants to bugger up gordon he should sign Frank Field's Early Day Motion 670
"That this House notes that those polls that have questioned the
English report a clear majority in favour of an English parliament;
and further notes that it is this issue, and not Scottish
independence or even House of Lords reform, that is the issue that
voters now put at the top of their priorities for constitutional
Field, Frank
Luff, Peter
Taylor, David
Hoyle, Lindsay
Gray, James
Rosindell, Andrew
Wilshire, David
Harvey, Nick
Keetch, Paul
Conway, Derek
Hancock, Mike
Wyatt, Derek
Mackinlay, Andrew
Pope, Greg
Horam, John
Murrison, Andrew
Penning, Mike
Bit harsh on Clarke I think, to be fair to him he has being making a series of series on a range of issues. As Nick Robinson said they have been thought-provking but rather under-reported. Perhaps there is a desire for a policy debate on Clarke's behalf? But no doubt but would like to a challenger to Brown. Thou I think most of the Labour party and the country would like to see a proper contest.
As Paul notes, those of us familiar with North East politics will note that there are *many* Milburn tales that could emerge in such an eventuality
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